Lucky timing tonight! Simon was on-site when I passed by after work. This meant I got to have a walk through to see how much had been done!
More bricks done, this is around the back of the house, the bathroom window, laundry door and kitchen splashback window.
You can see the door to the pantry in the distance through the sliding door.
Then the walk through, this is the walk-in robe looking toward the front of the house.
Looking from the walk in-robe through the ensuite into the seperate WC.
Master bedroom sitting nook / tv wall mount location (cables not pulled through yet)
Entryway looking into the great room (apparently that's what you call a living/dining/kitchen combined). The cutout for the slatting hasn't been done yet.
Theatre room - speaker cables pulled through, I'm very happy about this!
Theatre room "screen" wall with cables pulled through.
Theatre room with cavity sliders covered, gives a better idea of the opening now.
Laundry initially looked darker than I expected however this is an east facing window in the last hour of the day, and almost half of the glass was covered with the plasterboard!
Powder room.
Hall looking from powder room door towards the kids bedrooms, bathroom, linen closet and the garage/airlock.
One of the kids bedrooms.
One of the kids' built in robes.
The living room hasn't been done yet, there were a few spare insulation batts - I got Simon to put them in the wall between the living room and our walk in robe as I'd forgotten to specify acoustic batts there (and these will do much better than just having air!!)
Kids bathroom not done yet either (nor is ensuite) as it needs blue-board. You can see the bath hob built out and how much light the window lets in even though it's afternoon and this is an east facing window.